Respect is at the heart of our school.

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

The governing body is committed to ensuring that Pembury is an inclusive school and where a pupil has special educational needs every effort is made to ensure that the needs of that pupil are met.

The school has a teacher responsible for the coordination and oversight of provision for pupils with special educational needs and her role is to ensure that the curriculum is adapted and necessary support provided to ensure that pupils access learning and make appropriate progress.

Our SENCo is Mrs Rohana Wilson who is a qualified teacher and has completed the accredited qualification with the National Award for SEN Co-ordination.  Rohana Wilson is available on 01892 822259 or senco@pembury.kent.sch.uk.  She works Monday to Thursday (inclusive). Our SEN governor is Philip Drew.

Teachers are made fully aware of the particular needs of each child, and, in collaboration with the SENCo, plan and provide for them as much as possible within the resources available to the school. The governing body has two designated governors who liaise with the SENCo and monitor SEN provision.

Pembury School is committed to no child falling behind or underachieving and we regularly and routinely review provision and intervention support in order to ensure that all children achieve their full potential.

Click here for a link to local SEND provision.

Government information regarding children with special education needs and disabilities.

Click here for info. https://www.gov.uk/children-with-special-educational-needs


At Pembury primary we ensure our school environment is dyslexia friendly using a range of strategies.

If you think that your child may have dyslexia please speak to your child’s class teacher or the SENCO.

A couple of useful websites for more information on dyslexia

Unicef - Silver Right Award
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Pembury Primary School
Lower Green Road, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN2 4EB
Phone: 01892 822 259 Email: office@pembury.kent.sch.uk