The teaching of science at Pembury Primary School should encourage children to recognise the power of rational thinking and explanation and develop a sense of “excitement and curiosity” about natural phenomena.
Children are encouraged to understand how key foundational knowledge and concepts can be used for explanation of what is occurring, prediction of how things will behave and analysis of causes.
At Pembury Primary School we use the Cornerstones scheme of learning which contains an ambitious, concept-driven and knowledge-rich, sequence of learning from Reception to Year 6. Built on a sequenced knowledge and skills framework, the key concepts are presented repeatedly throughout the curriculum, but with deepening layers of complexity. This is done through a small steps approach throughout the school and includes child-initiated learning for EYFS.
Each key stage’s work includes a section on working scientifically, which covers investigation such as observation, experimental control and later, the key elements of scientific enquiry. This should not be taught as a separate strand, but embedded into the content of biology, chemistry and physics. Throughout, pupils are expected to use their local environment to observe living things.
Science lessons should have a practical focus, on a regular basis, where appropriate, allowing children to develop their investigation skills through tangible experiences. Children are also encouraged to share their findings creatively, using different methods e.g. posters, cartoons, news reports, concept cartoons etc.
Children will:
Children should be enabled to: