Respect is at the heart of our school.



At Pembury Primary School we intend to provide a whole school PSHE curriculum that builds foundations of health and wellbeing, providing crucial skills and positive attitudes to enable children to achieve. We aim to develop and deepen our children’s personal, social and emotional development in a way that is tailored to their age group, whilst building on their previous knowledge as they progress through the school. Our subject provision also allows us to build on our school vision to be SMARTER by making us consider ways we can be successful, motivated, aspirational, respectful, work together, empower ourselves and be resilient learners.

We want our children to have a safe space in which to learn PSHE, providing them with the ability to make safe and informed choices, taking responsibility for their actions, respecting and valuing difference and being the best that they can be. Children will learn to show acceptance of others regardless of their background, religion, race, gender or sexuality. As they progress through the school we want to provide effective sex and relationship education, to enable the children to make responsible and well-informed decisions about their lives.


  • At Pembury we follow the SCARF PSHE program, which is a whole school approach that provides a scheme of learning from Early Years Foundation Stage through to and including, Year 6.
  • Scarf, which stands for Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship is mapped to the PSHE Association programmes of study. It is divided into six half-termly units. The units are tailored to each year group under the following themes:
    • Me and my Relationships,
    • Valuing Difference,
    • Keeping Safe,
    • Rights and Respect
    • Being my Best
    • Growing and Changing

The units are taught through a spiral curriculum, being explored in greater depth and resources being tailored to each age group.

  • Every teacher has access to SCARF online resources, which include lesson plans and additional resources for use. This includes extra resources that be used when issues arise in the classroom.
  • Children in years 1, 3 and 5 have the opportunity to attend the Life Space which provides high-quality, inspiring enrichment experiences, developing essential life skills with expert educators.
  • As well as using the Scarf scheme, we also use our school assembly sessions to discuss matters such as anti-bullying, online safety, wellbeing, community events, British values and our School values.
  • Each class has a floor book in which any significant learning can be recorded. These are used to collect photographs, children’s thoughts and ideas as they explore PSHE,
  • We encourage our children to take part in practical roles and activities to promote citizenship and develop their sense of self-worth and identity by contributing to school life and the wider community. These include Head and Deputy Boy/Girl, Prefects, Sports Leaders, Buddies, gardening club and engagement in school and local events.


Children will:

  • Demonstrate a healthy outlook towards school, and demonstrate positive behaviour because they understand that they have responsibility for their own actions and how those actions affect others.
  • Develop the skills to necessary to take an active role in their community
  • Know how to manage their lives safely and effectively.
  • Recognise and understand the school values and the fundamental British values
  • Have a safe space in which to discuss their feelings, opinions and develop their emotional intelligence.

Relationship Education

What can I do to support my child’s learning at home?

The statutory guidance is clear in recognising that a parent/carer is a child’s primary educator in these matters. There are a many things you can do to support your child’s understanding and encourage them to ask questions. Here are some

  1. If you feel it is time to talk to your child about growing up and the changes they are likely to experience it’s best to offer it in small chunks, rather than do it in one go, often known as ‘The Talk’. This gives children time to digest the new information and ask you further questions as they develop more understanding.
  2. If your child asks you questions try to stay calm, and not worry if you don’t know the answer. There are plenty of websites that you can use together to help you find the answers to their questions in a factual, honest, age appropriate way (see details below for resources on our website).
  3. Use everyday opportunities to bring up the topic; things you see on TV or hear on the radio can be great conversation starters to talk about topics such as relationships, sex and body image. Reading books with your child is also a great way of introducing topics and helping children to understand themselves, their bodies and the world around them.
  4. If you do have family names for genitals, ensure your child also knows their scientific names too. Nobody likes to think their child is at risk of abuse, but knowing the correct words for their genitals will help them report abuse if it did ever happen.
  5. By showing your child that you are comfortable with them asking you questions now, you are helping to develop a relationship with them where they can seek your advice and support in their adolescent years.
  6. Visit the specially created Coram Life Education SCARF webpage for more information including a list of books and websites that will support both you and your child along with some activities you to support their learning.
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Pembury Primary School
Lower Green Road, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN2 4EB
Phone: 01892 822 259 Email: office@pembury.kent.sch.uk