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Sports Premium Funding

Sports Premium 2023- 2024

The plan for this year-

AimsAll students participating in regular physical activity. The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport Increased participation in competitive sport
Areas for ImprovementRaise standards of PE teaching Improve health and fitness of children in the school Increase the quantity, diversity and participation of sports/activity offered at Pembury
Success Criteria:Increase participation in sports for all pupils. Being active will be a key priority within the timetable this includes play times. Regular competitive sport opportunities internally and externally, with a particular focus on improving girl sports.
PE LeaderMonitor lessons and keep evidence Track clubs including lunchtime e.g OPAL Play Investigate attitudes towards PE – engagement and interests of the children Ensure a progressive PE Curriculum is in place Evaluate the quality of PE Education and opportunities within school.
TeachersUse and adapt a scheme of work to meet the needs of all pupils Assess the children’s knowledge and skills within PE, highlighting to PE leader what went well and improvements. Be confident in teaching all areas of PE and benefit from observations of specialist teachers.
LearnersBe provided with opportunities to be active Excel in PE, meeting and exceeding the national standard. Be provided with opportunities to take part in competitive sport.
Impact on Teaching and LearningChildren’s achievement are in line/ exceed national expectations Children are active and take part in daily exercise.
ActionsCosts/ResourcesMonitoring and Evaluation
Who? / When? / What?
PE Scheme of Work Purchase and Implement£150GSTermlyFeedback Observations Staff/Pupil Surveys
Promoting PE Resources Cones Whistles Trophies£770.7GSAnnuallyTrack daily track run.
Continue to monitor fitness in school Lunchtime equipment Provide resources to maximize in a wide range of activities- Introduce OPAL playtimes and equipment to support this. Play co-ordinator (6 hours per week) Daily running track£18,116.21GS/HWTermly  Opal Action Plan Evaluate Play Equipment  
Clubs/ Taught Sessions Cricket Referee Coaching£2,178.18GS/HWTermlyPupil Surveys Observations Parent Feedback
Competitive Sporting Opportunities Girls Football Final FA£50GS/HWAnnuallyFeedback Observations
Providing engaging PE opportunities Team Building/ PE trips£2,985GS/HWAnnuallyPupil Surveys Observations Feedback

Sport Premium 2022-2023

Please also see the more detailed action plan at the bottom of this page.

The main aims for this year are:

  • Pupils will be encouraged to be active daily.
  • Children will find opportunities to enjoy being active and see the benefits for their physical and emotional health.
  • Children will be part of a challenging curriculum that is relevant to them and prepares them as life-long learners.
  • Children have the right to learn and achieve their potential

A big part of our funding this year is to be spent on the introduction of OPAL play for the whole school.  This is supported by the guidelines as there is a large amount of evidence that the programme is able to greatly increase the physical activity of all children and get more children, more active more of the time, and sustain those benefits over many years.

You can read about OPAL here: https://outdoorplayandlearning.org.uk/

PE & Sport Premium 2021–22

As a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the Department for Education took steps to relax the ring-fencing arrangements for the PE and sport premium in the 2019 to 2020 academic year to allow any unspent grant to be carried forward into the 2020 to 2021 academic year.

Any under-spends carried forward will need to be spent in full by 31 March 2021 and schools should factor this into spending plans for their 2020 to 2021 PE and sport premium allocation.

The allocations for this academic year are calculated using the number of pupils in year 1 to 6 as at the January 2020 Census and our allocation is £19,590 for this academic year which is credited to the school in two installments November 20 & May 21.

Achievements of 2021/2022 

  • A new PE scheme of work was purchased and used by staff.
  • A running track installed and daily running timetabled for all classes.
  • Sports Day – reintroduced
  • Inter school sports – Cross country, football, dance opportunities participated in.
  • KS1 teachers trained to deliver Balanceability and younger children participated in this.
  • Cycle pods- promote cycling to school installed and used.
  • Swimming – catch up sessions for Year 6 children who had not met the swimming and water safety requirement
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Pembury Primary School
Lower Green Road, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN2 4EB
Phone: 01892 822 259 Email: office@pembury.kent.sch.uk