Respect is at the heart of our school.

Vision & Values

Our Mission:

Growing respectful, independent learners, within an inclusive community.

  • Respect all
  • Learn together

Our Vision:

Together we grow confident, independent learners, who are respectful, motivated and prepared for the next challenge in their life. We have high expectations, encourage each aspiration and want to see everyone succeed in their own individual way. We nurture resilience and confidence. Through their time with us, we will celebrate how we embrace challenges, as well as successes. We value every member of the community. Both individually and collectively we are empowered to make a difference and will work towards a SMARTER future.

Our Values:

SSuccessSuccess at Pembury is about everyone individually achieving their goals.
MMotivateAt Pembury we want to be challenged.
AAspireWe all have our own and communal big dreams.
RRespectThe whole Pembury community think and act in a positive way about themselves and others.
TTogetherLearning from and with each other.
EEmpowerBelieving I can (confidence) and encouraging others too.
RResilienceKnowing how to move forward when things are tricky.

Our Strategic Objectives (2021-2024):

We utilise select strategic objectives to help us focus on the delivery of our vision for Pembury Primary
School, leaning heavily on our mission and values to do so. Setting strategic objectives helps us to deliver
success in key areas which will have the most positive impact on our school. Based on the three-year
horizon of this plan, we will target five core priorities, which are set out below.

1) We will encourage and enable established and emergent leaders to take more individual responsibility for delivering positive outcomes, including:

  • Ensuring accountability is clear, consistent and making a difference
  • Developing reflective practitioners who are learning focused
  • Identifying opportunities for leadership roles/ developing leaders within our school community
  • Fostering young leaders, empowering more pupils to play a greater role in how our school develops

SIP areas: Leadership and Management

2) We will drive the quality of teaching and learning across the school community. In setting high expectations for ourselves, we will:

  • Deliver an exciting and challenging creative curriculum with a key focus on learning outcomes
  • Improve the quality & consistency of teaching standards, with outstanding practitioners driving this
  • Raise standards in writing, maths and language development, using a data-driven approach to support pupils in closing the learning gap
  • Ensuring all pupils are making appropriate progress, this means challenging the most able appropriately and support strong progress for the more disadvantaged or those with additional learning needs
  • Promote the importance of continually learning
  • Strive for a high level of pupil attendance

SIP areas: Quality of Education and Early Years

3) We will foster an enhanced sense of community, reflecting our vision and values to become a more inclusive part of village life and the surrounding community by:

  • Continuing to build good relationships with parents/carers and our local community
  • Building new links within our community and strengthening those already in place
  • Developing communication channels to promote awareness and resource for all stakeholders
  • Contributing to improvements/support locally and nationally

SIP area: Behaviour and Attitudes

4) We will prioritise wellbeing for all, promoting physical and mental wellness and support through:

  • Developing the site to better promote health, wellbeing and learning
  • Deploying resources to enhance all areas of school
  • Supporting our whole team to be the best they can be, so our children receive high quality teaching and care
  • Learning about strategies that will help ourselves and others to be well

SIP area: Personal development

5) We will build on our learning to enhance our resilience, ensuring that we are able to withstand, adapt to and respond to disruption whilst continue fulfilling the important role our school plays in the local community. We will achieve this through:

  • Advancement of digital adoption & learning (both from a staff & pupil perspective)
  • Embracing technology, both for learning and understanding our pupils’ needs
  • Explore and build on opportunities to use technology to aid learning
  • Equipping all stakeholders with knowledge and understanding of how to keep themselves and others safe Nurturing children to become good and successful citizens, with a sense of empowerment, resilience and respect for others

SIP area: Personal development and Behaviour and Attitudes

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Pembury Primary School
Lower Green Road, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN2 4EB
Phone: 01892 822 259 Email: office@pembury.kent.sch.uk